Euroa Ag Society elects first female President

The Annual General Meeting of the Euroa Agricultural Society Inc was conducted on the evening of Tuesday 26th March at the Euroa Showgrounds Pavillion.

The meeting was significant in the extensive 139-year history of the Euroa Agricultural Society (established 1885). For the first time, a female was elected as President. Mrs Lyndal Dean was unanimously elected as President and will lead the Society over the coming twelve months.

The volunteers of the Euroa Agricultural Society have completed another significant year in the history of the Society, continuing to support the agricultural sector and community of Euroa and district. Agricultural Societies continue to play an important part in rural life and remain significant in Australian history. Members continue to work to maintain and strengthen the Agricultural Society, its role, and the connection it provides across our community.

The AGM was well attended by Members and observers. As is the usual procedure at AGMs, all Office Bearer and Steward positions opened for nomination.

Outgoing President Andrew Douglas provided the meeting with his annual President’s report, covering the highlights and challenges that the Society has faced over the preceding twelve months. These challenges included many maintenance issues related to the upkeep of the Showgrounds precinct and the need to continually encourage more people to support the Society and become involved.

The delivery of the 2023 Euroa Show, held in October, was a highlight for the Agricultural Society, and was deemed by many to be “the best show ever”.  Additionally, the Agricultural Society’s annual Autumn Beef Cattle Show, held early in March 2024 was also a fantastic success with more than 80 head of cattle on show. The Society are working on ensuring these events are bigger and better in 2024 and beyond and continue to offer an opportunity for the city to meet the county.

The Election resulted in many existing committee members continuing in their roles, whilst President, Andrew Douglas, stepped down from the role after holding the position for several years. The Society thanked Andrew for his invaluable guidance,  devotion, and service to the Society throughout his presidency.

The 2024 AGM resulted in Mrs Lyndal Dean being elected as President and she will lead the Society over the coming twelve months.

Further, Miss Kate Harcourt, was elected as the Society’s 1st Vice President, and Jason Sloan as  2nd Vice President.  This is another notable step in the history of the Society with women now filling the most senior roles within the Agricultural Society.

Matt Christie was welcomed as a fresh face, nominated, and elected as the Society’s new Secretary, relieving the position from Sharon Chapman who has retired from the role following many years of invaluable contribution and service.

New member, Ms Elena Gregson, was elected to the position of Treasurer, and Public Officer. The Society is extremely appreciative of Elena’s support stepping into these important roles.

The Euroa Agricultural Society looks forward to continuing to be a vital part of the rural and township community, continuing to maintain and develop the important community asset that is the Euroa Showgrounds and Pavillion facilities.

Should you wish to learn more about the Euroa Agricultural Society, or express your interest in becoming involved, you can find further information on our website (, follow our Facebook page, or contact our Secretary at


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