2024 Show Entries now open for all sections

The 132nd Euroa Show is just a few weeks away, taking place on October 25, 26 (the main show day), and 27.

Entries are now open for all pavilion and outdoor sections. Each year, this event showcases the incredible talent and produce of our local community, and now is your chance to be part of it.

The Pavilion offers the largest number of sections to enter, including art and craft, wood and metalwork, needlework, knitting/crocheting, photography, pot plants, cut flowers and floral art, homegrown produce, and cookery including jams and preserves and more. These sections are open to all community members, from primary-aged children to individuals with disabilities, as well as entries from local community groups. There are also several Victorian Agricultural Society (VAS) classes, allowing competitors to advance to regional and state levels.

Competition Schedules are available now at Burton's IGA, the Euroa Newsagency, and the Euroa Gazette office, as well as online at www.euroashow.org.au. Please note that all entries must be submitted online by Saturday, October 19, at 11:59 pm, unless otherwise specified in the show schedule.

For those who need assistance with online submissions, Agricultural Society members will be available to help at the Euroa Library on Wednesday October 9, Friday October 11, Tuesday October 15, Thursday October 17, and Friday October 18, from 12 midday to 4pm.

Pavilion entry fees are $1 per entry, but if you purchase an early bird ticket (available online or from the GMCU, Binney St, Euroa), entry is free. Classes for children 12 years and under are also free of charge.

If you've been busy over the past year working on some projects, there's sure to be a section where you can showcase your creation and help make this year’s exhibition bigger and better in 2024. Whether you're interested in participating in pavilion displays, outdoor sections, Kids’ Got Talent, or entering our Junior or Rural Ambassador Award, pick up a schedule or visit our website for more information.


Euroa Agricultural Show Returns in 2024